
Address & Coordinates

Please be aware that you can use our address in your gps app, but it will not take you to the right location! For some unknown reason, many customers reported that their gps took them on long back roads to get here. However, we are actually very conveniently located a little over a mile off the interstate! Coordinates are the most accurate and will get you here every time. Simply copy and paste them into your map app on your phone or type them into a vehicle gps unit.

2273 South Main Street Extension
Washington, PA 15301
Make sure you put the “Extension” in there!

40.1195, -80.2216
Dont forget to include that negative sign!

Follow these simple directions to find the nursery quickly and easily.

From I79 North

Take the Lone Pine/Amity exit on I79 North.

Turn right onto Route 19 South.

In .25 miles turn right onto South Main Street Extension (it is the road next to the I79S off ramp)

Drive 1.25 miles. Arcadia Natives is on the left.

From I79 South

Take the Lone Pine/Amity exit on I79 South.

Turn Right on Route 19 South.

Take an immediate right (almost a U-Turn) onto South Main Street Extension.

Drive 1.25 miles. Arcadia Natives is on the left.


There is a sizeable gravel parking lot right off the main road. We ask that you do not park in the grass (unless directed to do so if overflow parking is required during an event). When you walk into the main nursery, please stay on the gravel paths and avoid cutting through mulched areas.

Coming A Long Way? Call First!

While I will have set days/hours of operation, this is still a family-owned business. As much as I value my customers, family must be my #1 priority. With four kids we never know when something unexpected might come up! If you are planning a visit and want to be sure that I will be open, please call/text that day (or the day before). I know your time is valuable and do not want to waste it with a bum trip should I be closed the day you arrive!

Having trouble finding us? Call 724-986-0907.

Work In Progress

We are conveniently located right on South Main Street Extension. Our parking lot and building project that’s under construction make good landmarks to watch for as well as a hoop house and several shade canopies!